Brand Reputation Management

branding-img-360° Focus Digital have long standing experience on a number of crisis management and brand reputation campaigns for individuals, celebrities and corporate organisations with 100% success rate. We deliver results instantly in the easiest cases and within 3-9 months with more complicated reputation issues. The focus is on building a strategy for full protection from libel comments/reviews and safety against other inflammatory content.

The work carried out by 360° Focus Digital has a structured approach of analysis, documentation, close monitoring and timely execution. From 2007 we have been working for several companies listed on the FTSE and AIMacross a number of industry sectors such as Finance, Energy, FMCG, Legal, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Events, Transport, IT & Charities. Our brand reputation management team can deliver to exceptional standards with a guarantee of service and most importantly results.

Online Reputation Management

Brand reputation management and positive profiling have become a necessity when dealing with public, media and trade opinion on the internet. Search engines play a pivotal role in a company’s reputation to online audiences. Most users build trust in a brand by reading reviews and looking for warnings about dealing with companies. Forums, social media, networking sites and blogs are equally relevant to companies and products reputation on the web.

We are not miracle workers. In a collaborative environment, you will have to invest in improving your reputation as well as allow us to implement a robust strategy to help you overcome any existing issues. The best long term strategy is honesty and clear communication so crisis is managed proactively. Proven methods will not allow your brand to be prepared for all possible communication scenarios thus shielding your reputation at all times.


Expect an improvement in reputation, higher conversions & ROI. Positive profiling is based on the company’s advantages.


Every contract has a guarantee of service. Emphasis is placed on quality results, customer service and ongoing consultation.

Best Practice

The highest marketing and promotion standards are held and online advertising guidelines are at all times respected.

  • For PR & Legal Firms

    We handle online reputations for some of the largest PR and Legal services companies in the US so contact us for partnership opportunities and discover how we can help you, help your clients.

  • Positive Profiling

    In an increasingly web-based business environment it is vital to be proactive about your company’s reputation. Reputation and crisis management can generate relatively fast results, but why wait until the crisis?

    360° Focus Digital offers a bullet-proof package ensuring 24/7 reputation monitoring with notifications as soon as any improper or libel comment is made. After the first 3 months of working with you, we will produce a full strategic plan on how to handle company reputation based on the sentiment online. Our services go beyond the web as we have worked with customer service departments in building processes to avoid damaging comments with a direct positive impact on revenue.


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